Never would I have thought I'd be into this, but I am!
So far I've seen everything from Quail (Yes, they come every day now) to Ring Necked Pheasants (Pictured above). I have to say it's pretty cool and if I ever decide to own a camera I'll take some pics.... won't that be exciting?!!? My ultimate goal is to lure the elusive California Condor to my Lawn!! Sure they are endangered, and they don't exist anywhere near this part of the world. I understand all of that. But, I think with a little bit of patience and the right kind of meat to feed them with, I will have all 12 feet of their wingspan hanging out on the front lawn in NO time!!!! Okay maybe not....
As always hop on over to www.whatsupgf.com to see me making an ass out of myself, and email me anytime as I will try and get back to you right away! I reallywant to hear from you! Also you can add me on Facebook and Twitter. Talk to you guys soon!
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