Last night I was Booooored. So boooored, I went through my backlog of unwatched DVD's and pulled out a Gem, the 1979
Buck Rogers in the 25th Century pilot movie (As brought back to my attention thanks to
Clive Lovetts blog)!! Wow did this thing stink!! BUT, it did remind me of a great action figure that I had long forgotten about..... "
TIGER MAN". Tiger Man is on screen for about three minutes then gets kicked in the nuts by Buck Rogers, but what an Action Figure he made!!!!

I know that I LOVED my Buck Rogers action figures, but I haven't thought of them for YEARS! Thinking back, I remember ALMOST liking them more than the
Star Wars Action figures because they had better articulation and weren't so cartoony! I can guarantee back then I didn't use the word Articulation. Woo Hooo
TIGER MAN!!!! By the way I dare anyone to watch the
Buck Rogers movie and not have their ears bleed due to the
theme song! "Far Beyond the woooorld I knooowww......."
Job Search continues! I haven't heard back from anything yet but I am feeling more confident, for whatever reason, that I will be working shortly. I will continue to hammer the Library by dropping a resume off again next week. I've got nothing to lose right? As always if anyone knows of any type of work that I would be suited for please
email me today. Hell, even if you don't have anything just
email me and say Hi today!
after the pilot they removed the theme song, thank goodness
They had to after several reports of heads exploding in the mid-west.
Sadly After putting the link to the song on the blog I can't stop humming the damn tune!
And what was with the playboy-esque girls doing pose downs over a Buck Rogers logo while the theme song played? Not that I was complaining once Erin Grey and the Princess Ardala got into the act!!! Hubba Hubba!
Erin Grey is STILL as hot as ever dude. I saw her at a con in Cleveland a few years back. Dee-lish.
Did you notice that two DIFFERENT guys played Tiger Man in the movie? How weird is that? I mean, how could they not have ONE guy play the part for the entire flick? Both Duke Butler and H.B. Haggerty are credited. Strange . . .
Actually it's a well known fact that the first 'Tiger Man' died in the middle of filming when his cerebral cortex ruptured after hearing the theme song for the first time...
In my best written Johnny Carson . . . I deeed not know that, sir.
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