Hey there, Hi there, Ho there!!! Yes I suck for not keeping this thing up to date. I'm sorry, I really am. I guess a lot has changed since we talked last. I now work for Canada Post, and have been since December. And that's about it!
See why I haven't written much? Well I guess I could go on about a LOT more but things are really good, and I have pretty much put the Museum closure debacle behind me (It had NOTHING to do with me, I just worked there). I have to say that I'm really enjoying sorting mail, it pays well, and the people I work with are nice.
So let's recap the last few months or so...
- I'm still tall.
- I'm still being stalked on this blog by some anonymous commenter
- I am buying Comics at an alarming rate (No girls, it REALLY is cool to read comics)
- I'm on Facebook and now twitter (ADD ME)
- I smell faintly of Fried Bologna
- I'm still in Grand Forks and working for Canada Post
- I want to go to Spokane to watch some movies
- I am on a never ending quest to buy Steak-Umms! I'm sure somebody still sells them SOMEWHERE!!
Yeah, those are the highlights. Oh, I'm helping out a friend with his new website www.whatsupgf.com. Les (My friend) has just started this venture and we film little videos talking about the latest happenings in town. I'll keep doing that until he starts making money and can hire people a little more camera friendly then me! It's just in it's beta stage right now, and he's ironing out a lot of kinks, but take a look and don't laugh too hard at me on video.
I guess I do have more to say but I will wait and honestly try to update this bad boy at least once a week! *
And please, feel free to email me and tell me how you're doing! I love getting email!!
*no promises however.
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