Had a Job interview today! It was at a company much like the one I worked at before, and it was a job opportunity that I thought would be a lot like the one I had before. Well, at least that's what I thought it would be...
It was a nice interview and the people were great, but when they said I would be on the road 3-4 months of the year I just had to be honest and say I wasn't interested. Spending my days driving to Kamsack Saskatchewan, trying to get a few sales is not my image of ideal employment. After I told the two people conducting the interview I wasn't interested they were really nice and we continued to talk for about 20 minutes.
It was good to get the interview under my belt and I feel more confident about the whole getting a job thing now. I always do well in interviews, and I don't think this was any exception. Well except for the fact I told them I wasn't interested halfway through... I'll have to remember not to do that ALL the time.
So lot's more jobs have been applied for and I'm expecting to be back in the rat race sooner than later, but as always if you hear of anything PLEASE email me and let me know!
Hey Dupree...how do you feel about working on Columbus day? Arbour day?
Ummm errrrr .....what?
You obviously haven't seen the commercials
No I guess I haven't! This one has got me stumped! Lil' help?
This might help...
Ahhhhh It al comes clear now! Being a HUGE Owen Wilson fan I will go see this, but I have my doubts on this one.
I'd see it just to see Kate Hudson in her skivvies.
Hang in there Greg...things always happen for a reason, and the right opportunity will present itself at the right time. Trust me. I'm in the same boat, and I know it's a struggle...but you are a great guy with an awesome personality, and that will definitley get you somewhere great, I know it.
We haven't spoken in a long time, but I have been keeping up with all things you, and you are always so positive...that is so admirable. I will keep you guessing as to who I am...that's the fun part! LOL
WOW a cyber Stalker! Well, you must be Fiona Forbes and you are finally returning my many emails, letters, and phone calls with something other than a restraining order!!!!
But if not, don't be shy say hello.... I refuse to guess names as it just makes me look like an ass! ;-)
Hey Gregg,
Don't worry about being an ass, I think you should guess who your stalker is. I'll even offer some names to get you going...
Dwayne McMillan
Robbie Sanford
Ted Kurbis
It could be anyone, why not make it fun and guess.
- Roy
ROBBIE SANFORD! TED KURBIS?? That just made me completely laugh out loud...
I'm still holding out hope that the anonymous poster is Fiona Forbes. But then we all know I'm weird and deluded.
Whomever it was, their message was fantastic and I thank them for the extremely kind things they have said.
Hey it's your cyber stalker checking in...not Fiona Forbes (darn, I know) but I am a girl...theres a clue for you. Hang in there Greg!
Well Cyber stalker you're going to have to email me and give me some hints!
Hey Gregg's cyber stalker I want to play the guessing game too. Are you someone that I know as well? If so, when was the last time we spoke?
Don't worry Greggy I will help you figure this cyber stalker out.
- Roy
Cyber stalker here...
Nope sorry you don't know me Roy...!
There goes Roy's theory that it was Sarah Curry.
Wow Cyber Stalker you've got me stumped! I just can't bring myself to guess cause I honestly have no clue.
Wow, Sarah Curry, haven't seen her since I think grade 4. Sorry Gregg, makes it much harder for me to help if I don't even know the cyber stalker.
Good Luck Good Buddy!
- Roy
Hey cyber stalker are you from Grand Forks, if so I have an idea.....
I think so.... where are you Cyber Stalker?!?!? We miss you!!!!!!!!!
Cyber stalker here! Sorry folks I know you have been awaiting my posts...been busy like Gregg with the job hunt, and its no fun at all. Hope you had a fun weekend Greg in Washington. Mmmm....Orangina ia tasty hey...
So what kind of work are you looking for Cyber Stalker? As always Cyber Stalker feel free to email me at gregg.anderson@3web.com!
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