Helloooooo! Certainly been one of the busiest weeks I've had in a long time so you'd think I would have TONS to tell you! Well yes and no. I had a great time with my Brother Jim's family in Issaquah, Washington on the weekend. We went down for the Day out with Thomas the Tank Engine and it certainly lived up to the hype! They could have done a really lame job and just thrown up a booth here an there with Thomas tattoos, and sold some overpriced food, but they really provide a great Thomas experience for the kids and Adults! Ben freaked when he saw the life size Thomas for the first time. "IT'S THOOOOMAAAASSSSSSS!!!!". It was hilarious... Hopefully in the next few days we'll have some footage from Jim's Video Cam to post, as well as some photos!
Meanwhile on the home front, I'm going to the Gym and losing all the weight I had put on the last year while on Antidepressants! It's hard work but I've lost 20 pounds in the last month! Sounds like a lot, but I'm 6'7" so I've got quite a bit more to go until I feel normal again!
Also one week from Now It will be one year since I traveled to England to see the extended family! So in the next few days I plan on uploading a nice video collage of all my pictures I took on the big trip! So watch this space!!! As always if you've got something to say, don't hold back email me or leave a comment here on the blog today!
I am sure I found those 20 lbs you lost. Contact Auntie Glo at 1 800- where- did that come from.
Well If all goes well there will be another 20-40 pounds that will go missing and stay missing!
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