"Is your ONLINE light blinking? NO .... hmmm, okay then I go to question #4."
No lie, she was actually saying that. I could actually hear her finger dragging down the paper to the question she needed to ask next!!! So needless to say I'm hoping the internet stays up and running so I can get this very brief update posted!
Hey I had another Job interview on Thursday! It went well, but is only for a temp job until October. If I get it, it would at the VERY least make me a bit more money and get me out of the house for a bit.
And lastly (Sorry this is such a rush entry into the Bloggity Blog Blog, but I'm scared the internet will go down again) here is a photo taken by Moi of my brothers Jims family at Thomas the Tank Engine In Washington State! ENJOY!

It is about time ! Hope you get the job.
Why do you have a picture of Ron Perlman and his family on vacation on your blog?
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