...I would take one month off to let the creative juices flow again and I did and boy are they Flowing!!!!!! What to tell you? I appreciate all the emails asking me where the hell is the next post on the blog! I was actually shocked at how many emails I got wondering where I was!
Well I didn't go far and I didn't do much, well thats not totally true. I was away for a few weeks of R&R in Kamloops visiting my Brother Jim, Tanja, and Ben and Raili ( "I WUUUUV GREGG!"), and then of course I took a couple weeks out at the folks place in Grand Forks where I got to see brother Sean, April, Sam, Chloe, and of course the entire McGraw clan.
Now back here on the lovely coast I have been REALLY trying to get a freaking job! I've applied to a ton more jobs and as always if you hear of ANYTHING whether you'd think I'd like it or not I want you to email me about it!
I did do one thing that may raise your eyebrows... I joined Weight Watchers! Yes, I had to do something., After gaining soo much weight while on medication I quickly lost 20 pounds when I stopped the pills, but that rapid loss has stopped and I feel I have sooo much more to go. So, with my best friend Roy Barisoff's wife Brigitte along with me(She's the one who got me to go!), I went to my first meeting of Weight Watchers!! And you know what.... it was great! First off I was in a room of many single, good looking women and secondly everyone was really nice! It's an interesting eating plan and it's simple enough for even me to follow! I'll keep you posted on what happens....
In the meantime I apologise for taking such a long break and I will be back at least once (But hopefully twice) a week telling you everything you never really wanted to know about me. If I haven't heard from you in a while or if you haven't heard from me, It's just been a very busy month and I am hoping you take the time to email me as I really want to hear from you.
Oh yeah before I go here is a little skit from the hilarious show "Little Britain" that I couldn't get out of my head while attending my first Weight Watchers meeting. ENJOY!
Leave it to Gregg to go to Weight watchers to pick up chicks.
Leave it to Gregg to join Weight Watchers for the chicks, preying upon on all those vunerable females with low self-esteem. Rev-up them low-fat stir-frys, dude: love is in the air.
Dude, you might as well move to Britain and make it official: what with all the clips and such, not to mention you even spelled apologize the Queen's way (with an 's' instead of a 'zed'). You lymie traitor!!! The Queen is Dead!!! Morrissey told me so!!!
Hey Gregg! It's Michelle from the relay! I did weight watchers after my first and it's awesome! Personally I think it's much better to pick up chicks at a weight watchers meeting than at a bus stop! Just my thought. Glad to see your doing well now get off your but and get a job so you can take one of those chicks out on a date. PS You got me hooked on the kooks!
You are awesome! I'm glad you like the Kooks... now try Snow Patrol! You won't be dissapointed! I'll write you very soon Michelle!
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