Well, another week and another few posts to the ol' Blogitty Blog Blog. I'm not sure really what to tell you. What do you guys want to know? You can always
email me and ask, or if you are feeling really adventurous you can always post a
comment. Nothing makes my day more, than visiting the blog and seeing new
comments from you guys. Well, to be honest an
email from a
really hot single babe wanting to date me, might make the day just a bit better. But I'll take what I can get, and
comments will do just fine........ I guess.

I've been watching a lot of
World Cup Soccer in the last few weeks and I must say every four years I get really excited and caught up in the whole thing. I even get up to watch
England when they play at 6am (Yes I'm cheering for
England... shocking huh?). But then I watch my first game and realise (as I do every four years) I'm just not that crazy about the sport. It's kind of slow, and features some of the biggest nancy boy cry babies I've ever seen! I should say I have seen premier division matches in E

ngland and they are pretty exciting to watch live. But on TV, sorry, I just don't get all the fuss. Despite all this, I continue to watch
England and their march to world Soccer domination, and I even got quite excited today when
Beckham scored to give Old Blighty the win. No doubt my tune will change when
England makes it into the final, and I will be running up and down the street with my St. Georges Cross flag tied around my neck like a cape and singing "Here we Go"!
Hey Gregg it is now 6.03 AM and I have read your Blogg already. Were you up all night? I hope they scan the fans enough during the games so you can pick out those hottie girls
I thought you would have guessed . Auntie Glo
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